A recent publication ‒ which can be downloaded free of charge in PDF file format from the European Union’s website ‒ gives an overview of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs): Horizon Europe’s main programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers.
The text, entitled Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Guide for multipliers, provides all the relevant information on the funding opportunities available and on how individuals and organizations can apply for the different schemes.
After a general presentation – describing how MSCAs contribute to building Europe’s capacity for research and innovation by investing in the long-term careers of excellent researchers – the five lines of actions are reviewed: Doctoral Networks; Postdoctoral Fellowships; Staff Exchanges; COFUND; MSCA and Citizens. The objectives, target groups, research areas supported and upcoming calls for each action are specified.
The guide also includes references to services – such as Euraxess and the National Contact Points – that can be contacted for further information, along with a link to the extensive list of FAQs available on the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Opportunities portal.