On Tuesday September 17, 2024, the public event for the closing of the market consultation for the tender “Development of Territorial Communities through the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage”, within the Smarter Italy programme of an overall value of €10 million will take place. During the event the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and the Digital Italy Agency (AgID) will present the essential elements of the tender process and will allow the market to provide their comments prior to the publication of the call for tender.
The event will take place from 11.00 to 13.00 at the sala Pirelli of the AgID premises, located in via Liszt 21 in Rome. The event will also be available online through the Teams platform.
Registration is mandatory and can be made by filling in the registration form.
The objective of this tender is to identify and develop new digital services that public and private entities can use to enhance the lesser-known artistic and cultural heritage in Italy.
This challenge was presented to the market with an open innovation approach, with more than 700 subjects showing interest, including public entities (23%), universities and public and private research centres (12%), large companies (12%), and SMEs and startups (38%), especially operators in the tourism and cultural sector and the technological innovation sector.
Between September and December 2023, public discussion was held to identify the needs and stimulate demand for innovative services: there were several applications from local governments to participate in this pilot project. In February, the preliminary market consultation was launched, a key step in the development of the tender-related documents. AgID has collected market experiences during plenary events and in “One to One” meetings, an innovative format involving a public “face-to-face” dialogue, between the operator and the contracting station.
Economic operators, businesses, universities, research centers, third sector entities, individuals, etc. interested in the challenge can still fill out the “expression of interest” form and participate in “Facciamo squadra!” (Let’s team up!), the tool made available by AgID – which has already been joined by almost 300 operators – to encourage business groupings, thus increasing the competitiveness of the tenders and enabling call applicants to respond more effectively to the demand for innovation.
The initiative is part of Smarter Italy and is funded by the 2014-2020 Research and Innovation POC, action line II.A “precommercial procurement” of the Ministry of University and Research.
All information is available on the Portal of Innovation Procurement appaltinnovativi.gov.it under the challenge sheet and related diary page. Among these, it is already possible to consult the documentation summarizing the main elements of the call for tenders and the tender regulations.