Light: Sino-Italian Photonics Forum 2024
Light: Sino-Italian Photonics Forum 2024
The “Light: Sino-Italian Photonics Forum 2024” conference will take place from 17 May at 9.00, atCNR Sala A of Biblioteca Centrale “G. Marconi”, to 18 May at 12.45, at the Best Western Globus Hotel in Viale Ippocrate n.119. The forum will cover a wide range of topics aimed at strengthening collaboration and sharing of knowledge between Chinese and Italian researchers.
The event, resulting from the collaboration between the “Light: Science & Applications” journal, the CNR National Institute of Optics (Cnr-Ino), the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Cas-Ciomp) and the Department of physical sciences and technologies of matter (Cnr-Dsftm), is expected to be a promising meeting which will show significant results in the field of optics and photonics.
By fostering cultural exchange and advancing scientific understanding, the meeting aspires to catalyse innovation in optics and photonics technology, leaving a lasting impact on the global scientific community.
The updated programme is available here.
Further information and registration form are available here.