The National Research Council (CNR), within the research and innovation activities of the National Biodiversity Future Centre (NBFC), has recently announced the first call to support, with a €20 million funding, experimental industrial research and development activities carried out by micro-, small- and medium-enterprises (SMEs).
The call aims at encouraging participation of citizens and stakeholders to submit innovative projects related to the development and use of green low-cost Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to implement initiatives to improve sustainability of socio-economic activities and to promote Biodiversity in the following areas: sea; earth, including fresh waters; urban environment. The projects funded will be supported by the CNR Technology Transfer Office and by the NBFC Hub, through the Innovation Department, in order to support their development in line with the goals and activities of the National Biodiversity Future Centre, identify challenges and innovative aspects, involve stakeholders, identify possible collaborations with the reference context, also in view of internationalization.
The project proposals shall be submitted by 14 March 2024 and shall cover one of the following ten topics:
- Innovative technologies for taxon identification and recognition;
- Innovative systems for the monitoring of biotic and abiotic components of habitats, ecosystems, infrastructures or internal environments;
- Development of advanced solutions for the analysis, integration and processing of Big Data with the aim of managing the risks for biodiversity;
- Development and implementation of management systems through techniques of precision forestry, precision agro-forestry, etc. with the aim of reducing the impact on biodiversity and to manage structurally complex systems;
- Development of Nature-Based Solutions with the purpose of implementing innovative actions restoration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, with the use of sustainable materials and approaches;
- Advanced systems for the dissemination, communication and use of data and contents produced by the National Centre thanks to virtual and augmented reality techniques, meta-contents, digital twin, etc.;
- Precision fish farming and sustainable aquaculture systems, innovative and low environmental impact methods, circular animal feed, with smaller carbon footprint in aquaculture;
- Identification, clinical investigation and production of compounds with pharmacological, nutraceutical and cosmetic properties from animal and vegetable species;
- Development of innovative instruments to provide solutions for the conservation of biodiversity;
- Advanced systems for sustainable fishing, with less impact on biodiversity.
The full call is available here and applications for funding can be submitted by 6pm of 14 March 2024.